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I recently found out the guy i got married to and had a relationship with for more that 2 years had been sleeping with transgender escorts for past 7 years . Before getting married he told me he is a virgin and has been waiting for us to be together. 
he also kept of going to the transgender escorts website and kept on messaging his previous transgender partners on our honeymoon. I don’t know what should i do? My whole world is crumbling down

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Hi depressed.

I’m so sorry you didn’t receive any replies. Although the transgender element is specific, we all come here because we have been cheated and lied to regardless of the specifics. Have you considered reading any books or seeing a therapist to help you both. It would be worth seeing if your husband has a sex addiction, and the therapist would be able to help with regard to the specifics of transgender also. 

I’m so sorry to hear you have had this news but hope you are doing ok?

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Dear Depressed,

Please, please don't despair.  Realise that this has absolutely nothing to do with YOU.  None of this is any way your fault - you haven't been daft or ignorant or stupid - you have been deceived, and that is something completely different.  Like others have said, you need to care for yourself first and foremost.  You don't say whether your husband knows that you know about his double-life, but if he doesn't, then you need to sit him down and tell him that you do know and that it is hurting you.  There are some excellent counsellors out there who can give you the time and safe space to talk about this, so that you can get a clear picture of what it is you are dealing with, and indeed if you actually want to deal with or just walk away.  It is a VERY lonely place sometimes, being the partner, wife or husband who has this sort of addiction, whether gay, straight or trans.  Please don't ever feel you are alone.  There are groups out there who can help and support you.  Sending you love and support - take care.

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