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  1. Hi everyone, I am new here, I found this site browsing and is my last hope of connection with the world. I feel totally lost, yesterday I found out that my husband is a vouyerist, he admitted to have recorded one of my friends in the bathroom while visiting me and a cousin during holidays, while at the beach. I feel totally devastated, he is such a good and loving father, we are great companions and even though he swears that he will get the help he needs to overcome his filia and I don’t want anything more than forgiving and trying to continue a life with him, I am overwhelmed with fear. I am afraid of becoming an enabler, of the possibility of him not being able to overcome this, I wouldn’t forgive myself if he do that ever again with someone after I had this warning, I would feel completely responsible. He swears that he deleted everything, that have been very guilty so he stopped and that he will fix this but I sincerely don’t know if the right thing to do is leave him. I have obsessive thoughts about this becoming something worse, I have a niece, would he be capable of recording her? I would die if something like that were to happen. But as strange as it may seems I truly love him and I understand that this is something he didn’t chose, he had a troubling childhood and even though is NOT an excuse I think I can understand his desperation. Please any thoughts are greatly appreciated. I already reached out for my therapist, I haven’t had a session in years but I told her I needed her, but I need to know if I am wrong for believing someone can control those urges.
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